Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Finding the right one is like slow dancing.

All you need is a soft, languorous ballad. You wrap your arms around your love and you glide, sway and spin across the floor. Two bodies meld into one. You bury your face in her hair and all the laws of physics fall to pieces. There is no clock, no floor, no walls. There are only heartbeats, warmth, motion and scent. The music plays on and on...and you glide and sway and spin.

Simple pleasures truly are the best. Slow dancing is one of the best of the best simple pleasures. We need these moments that feel like infinity. We need to hear our hearts beat. To dance with love is a sublime pleasure. It has been said that dancing is "the vertical expression of a horizontal desire." It is that, but slow dancing is far, far more. To sway and glide and melt and dream and flow with love is to experience pure rapture. It is a good and necessary thing to experience rapture, to bathe in love. We were made to dance.

And should it come to pass that a ballad begins to play and you step out on the floor...if your steps feel strained and stilted, if you subtly draw away, if you find yourself waiting for the song to end...well...you're dancing with the wrong partner.

I am having mind spasms.

The wheels in my head keep spinning, but I’m not getting anywhere. There are thoughts, just beyond the edge of language that feel important...immense, but I just can't bring them into sufficient focus to understand their meaning. My skull is filled with germs of thought (the soul's neutrinos, if you will) that vibrate, merge, dance and disappear within a maelstrom of emotions. I’ve touched on them briefly, a vision of a heart being entrusted to another's hands. And a feeling…a dream…a consequential notion: "being cherished."

I'm already mucking this up. I suppose this entry will serve as an object lesson that one can't write cogently about topics just outside one's mental and emotional grasp. Still, I keep searching for insight and striving for clarity. I can be doggedly persistent when need be. I know that, this time, I must come to some understanding, for I somehow know that these twinned notions; giving up one's heart and feeling cherished have been the wellsprings of many a person's greatest joy and deepest pain. I have to crawl out of my emotional foxhole and search in earnest, for I desperately want to know what these elusive thoughts mean.