Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Why parents are churning out dumbass kids ...

If parents started on their kids self esteem really young, the kids might have a better chance in life at not being so insecure ....
parents especially in America are not really fit enough in themselves to have kids when you yourself have a low self esteem. This will reflect on the child .....
kids are only as good as their parents are ,and we know that most parents are selfish ....sure you buy the kids things to keep them quiet so you can sit there and indulge in your internet and cell phones ......teaching the kids to love themselves is more important than buying him/her a toy or the latest clothes to look good so your friends can say that you are doing a good job ...
if you have a bad self image your child is going to be the same, he or she is going to copy you its all he or she knows.
As alot of women these days are insecure , deceitful , bitchy ,backstabbing emotional train wrecks, they do not have the mentality to think to change the pattern for their daughters so they end up just like them and grow into bigger bitches and torture Innocent circumcised fools who carry on the trait of life ....and what you are having is generation of low self esteem brats and spoiled kids who only know that materialism buys them ....if the parents are insecure they do not have the mentality to try and change why would they want their child to set a better example than them ? this would make them look like failures know the whole ego thing ....

Just another one of my observations, not aimed specifically at any one individual.

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