Monday, January 4, 2010

Not only a new year, but a new decade

2010... how awkward to say; not as easy to say '10 as it was '09. Should it be spelled out as in 'two thousand ten' or what? Probably, in the big scheme of things, it just doesn't matter, eh?

I don't make resolutions. Well, let me rephrase that: I don't make a concentrated effort to list a bunch of resolutions that I know I'm not going to keep or probably even work on. I do tend to keep in my mind the things I would like to improve about myself, in addition to relationships with others, and my job.

I've never been big with goal setting. Maybe that's why at my age I'm floundering around. There are two schools of thought on that, one being that things happen as and when they are supposed to and we are masters of our own destiny.

I seem to fall some place in the middle of those.

Maybe the whole failure to write down goals is the fear of failure or could it be an intelligent choice on my part to know I don't need them because of the aforementioned "keep them in my mind" thing? Nah, that's probably just a fluke LOL

It is nice to start off the new year with goals or wishes or hopes; makes it seem like we have a clean slate with none of the past clogging up our dreams.

Since I can't seem to find anything to do to amuse myself in the way of The hobbies that I like to do, I certainly don't have a job yet to keep me busy, maybe my goal should be to blog more often. If I do that, however, I will have to curtail my propensity to "proof" my blogs and risk not liking what I write and trashing the whole thing.

I don't get very many comments, which is probably a good thing because if any of the comments leaned toward criticism, I would probably ditch this in a heartbeat.

So it's decided! I shall write more often and perhaps concentrate more on quality than quantity.

Don't touch that dial! We'll be back to our regularly scheduled program.... Oops, wrong venue :)

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