Thursday, December 24, 2009

Doubts and other mind fucks.

Doubts and other mind fucks.
Do you ever have doubts you are doing the right thing, finding the right point in the proverbial maze which is life and turning the right corner?.
Life is a game, yet we only get to play once, we only get one shot at it so we constantly worry that we must shoot straight, we must hit that target and go for gold, but this is damn near impossible as the arrows are never sharp enough, your vision is blurred and the target is so far away that in the end you just have to pull back that bow let the arrows go and hope for the best.
No one can ever predict what will happen, no one can ever know about the "what", "If's" and "maybe's", so best to just live one day at a time, aim true and hey if you hit the outside rings then no one will think the worst of you, there are many distractions that can prevent you from achieving bulls eye and no one is perfect.

Decisions are always made at a cost, you may lose the one you love forever, you may lose respect for your own self worth, you may lose friends, but in the end we all have to make those decisions, life is all about the decisions we make and the actions we consummate into our existence, timing is key, and we must always remember to be true to our hearts in that you can never really go wrong.

Timing is everything in life but we must remember to always look forward, to brood in the past is decadent, it is like watching the dust on a shelf and wishing that you had cleaned it earlier before it got so bad, it is futile, its pointless and another great mind fuck, best to get out the duster and just get on with the cleaning process now before the build up gets so dense you can no longer see your dreams.

We all at some point in our lives feel lost, we can all feel like there is no hope left, no light at the end of our proverbial tunnel and that we are in a deep black hole that we just cant bring our selves to climb out of, these are the times when we either falter or admit defeat and hold out a hand for help.Pride can be a killer, do not ever underestimate the lure and damage that prides soul can cost you, it can cost you everything, as the old saying goes and I quote "Pride comes before a fall". So Pride is the ultimate mind fuck and best avoided (This comes from experience).

Moving on, mind fucks are traps we set in our way of progress in life, they are the bricks we use to build walls we cant climb, pride, greed, lack of understanding, self doubt, self hate, denial, all in my opinion a fruitless occupation for the mind.

Of course we cant all be positive all the time, we cant all live off rainbows and lemon drops we cant click our heels three times to take us back to kansas, so we must endure, we must accept our lot in life and make the best out of it, whether we need help along the way in grey areas or not is not important, it is how we conduct ourselves it is how we act towards others, always treat others how we wish to be treated ourselves in that truly there is truth.

When we get upset sometimes our judgement is clouded, it is never best to make decisions on highly run emotions, anger clouds all judgement it is the path to fear, so most highly strung people live off fear and get angry when they make the wrong choices its a vicious circle, unfortunately in this case there really is no one else to blame and no excuses, people with anger issues can be counterproductive to their own existence, they rarely look at things subjectively and there are no grey areas just black and white, I guess I would say aggression is the King of mind fucks.

Live each day as it comes, envelope your life in people that make you happy, those that love you, try not to think "perfect" thoughts, just remember that no ones life is perfect, the grass is not always greener on the other side and stay always true to your heart.

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