Thursday, December 24, 2009

A fine line between words and weapons....

I hear a lot of talk no matter where I'm at. I hear folks that are law
biding citizens (and most financially stable) talk about the stuff they
hear on the news, or things they read in the paper. "OMG did you here
about that armed robbery! Or what about that poor clerk that was shot!
Man, they need to drag these criminals out back and shoot em!" Then I
hear all the crap about politics and the B.S. the government is doing
and what not. These same law biding citizens will talk behind the back
of fellow humans in such a way that is totally uncalled for, and
sometimes even say hurtful things to a person's face! They don't stop
and think or maybe not even care about what their doing to this person
emotionally! Then they b&tch about politics and then turn around and
impose their own kind of politics on you! Well, let's talk about
weapons of crime. We got your guns, knives, brass knuckles, ball bats,
blackjacks, tazers. Do I really need to go on? You can picture in your
mind the crimes committed with these weapons. I had a revelation! Not
to compare law biding citizens to criminals, but what about crimes
against humanity?! What about crimes against the heart?! I don't think
people realize or even care how words can hurt someone! That's right; I
think you know where I'm going with this. Are not words and attitudes
weapons? I would say positively yes! Sadly though, each and every one
of us harbors those types of weapons in our soul. It seems to be in our
nature to want to hurt one another! Is there no way to break this
trend? Are humans truly a lost cause? I don't know, that's why I'm
asking! When you, for no good reason poke fun at somebody, you are
using a weapon. When you lay your B.S. politics on somebody, you are
using a weapon. When you’re out of line with your attitude and say
hurtful things to a person, YOU ARE USING A WEAPON!!!!!!!!!!! To the
self righteous, rather than using your words and attitudes as weapons
and hurting others around you, or judging every one around you THINKING
that you're better, why not take some time out each day as I have and sit
in judgment on yourself!

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