Thursday, December 24, 2009

The season of love....

The season of love....
As the holidays approach, the love of family and friends draws us closer together. How do we measure the love we have one for the other? How do you define for another person how much their presence in your life means to you?
I suppose it is simple, you just say it. Wonder why that is so difficult to do? Wonder why it becomes necessary in the first place? You would think that sharing time and space with a person, would be proof enough, but sometimes it is just not enough.

I have always known love in my life. I have heard the words I LOVE YOU thousands of times, and spoken them maybe more than that. To me though, actions speak louder than words. It is in the everyday words that a person says to you that you find love. Oh it may not be clearly spoken, but when you listen with your heart, nothing could be clearer. It is the concern for your welfare and for your happiness that defines love for me, I don't need those three small words. I prefer the picture to be painted in front of me with acts of kindness, and gentle touches of concern. I prefer the kind words and ice water, to the painting on the water tower of those three small words.

I suppose as unique as all the stars in the sky, is the way that each person expresses themselves. Some of us need the words whispered in our ear. Some of us need the actions that say it loud and clear. Likely as not your need comes from your experiences with love in your own life. From my point of reference, love is a beautiful thing. The more people in your life that you love and who love you, the more blessed you are.

Today, I hope you feel the blessing of love. Whether it is drawn on paper, sent in a text or written in an E-mail, I hope you feel it. If you love someone, and there is any doubt in their mind, tell them. Love isn't a painful thing, it is a blessing. Today, I feel really blessed with love. I will be surrounded by my family tonight, and surrounded by love. I will feel the love from the ones that I love most, as I prepare dinner for my family . I will feel love from all around, and send it back...tenfold.
I Love you Sammie and Katherine!
Happy holidays to all of you.
Enjoy and be blessed.

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