Thursday, December 24, 2009

Loves security

Loves security
I am transported now into a moment I wish to share with you, I am loved wrapped in the cloaks of warmth and you would think I feel secure, then you would think wrong.
Many people use love as a security blanket, they crave it like roses need the rain, they feel the strong need to be interwoven with another soul and in this think they will find shelter, yet I for all my romantic fantasies shy from such feelings, I digress from the needs and wants of love, you may now wonder why and of course being the generous author I will now indulge you.

Love is as water, it is ever changing, ever moving penetrated easily by storms and Impossible to hold forever in your hands, it should be given freely as a gift, and never held as a possession.When love is given and reciprocated by both partners equally love can then be held in the heart and may find peace and serenity but we must always remember the rivers past transgressions, thus the storms are held in our minds which makes us more than a touch paranoid where this river will take us and thus Love is a battle of the mind and the heart, lets face it its bloody hard work hence I do not jump into the proverbial boat easily.

I am in a newly formed Love as I write this and this I will tell you, I did not seek Love, I did not crave the attention of love, in fact I rather tried to hide from it, yet Love is not a force we can control, it takes for me at least someone exceptional to move my heart and I never expected to find this and I guess this made me closed to the prospects of it ever happening.
I enter this with a foot in the door way of my heart so that my beloved may easily slip out if she wishes to do so, as I do believe that love is a gift, not a possession and is as liberated as the stars in the sky and as impossible to change the pattern of.

There is a saying, If you love someone set them free, if they return to you they will be yours forever, if not they were never yours in the first place. I am a strong believer in that saying, it is a lesson to us all and a warning of sorts, when the one you love walks away it is respectful and sensible to give them time to feel out their hearts emotions, you cannot force love, you cannot contain it, so if that person, the one you love decides not to return it is futile to fight for this.
The saying that True love is worth fighting for, I believe only works for reciprocated love.

I guess I am an odd box of tricks, I am a die hard romantic at heart yet my experiences has left me sceptical of the realities, I have doubts, I have fears, yet I guess my heart knows that love holds no boundaries, it is as free as the words that echo the sensation.

I give my love not without fears or doubts but without Ties, without promises and expectation's, this to me is true love and the die hard romantic in me just has to belive that this could be something more than special and has a chance at the hands of time, as for security we must find that in our own hearts and trust that one perfect love can survive. I love you Sammie!

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