Thursday, December 24, 2009

Have you looked in the mirror lately?

When I ask you "Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately"? I dont mean for you to look and say...."Oh my, I am overwieght, I have a big nose, I wish I had bigger *****, I wish I wasnt so tall. my teeth are crooked, Im too pale, and so get the picture. What I mean is look past all of the outer qaulities and dig deeper till you find the inner qaulities in yourself. What does it look like now that you are staring face to face at it? Is it filled with radiance and beauty that follows you wherever you go.....spreading from person to person leaving them with a smile from ear to ear. Meaning...are you kind and loving that no matter who you meet(even a scrooge) you leave them with a smile apon your face? Do you make a impact on others lives each day that you breathe? Are you living your life to the fullest with absolute satisfaction to who you are? Or do you make others cry and hurt inside with each word you make? Are you a jealous creature that destroys everything in its path? Or are you just barely gliding through life with out any goals or expectations? Whatever your reflection is...the question I ask you my dear friend..........ARE YOU HAPPY....ARE YOU PROUD OF WHO YOU HAVE BECOME?

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