Thursday, December 24, 2009

Finding the inner child in yourself.

Finding the inner child in yourself.
Isn't it strange how when you are only a child and one day appears where you see that hero through your eyes, and in that moment you know. You know what you wanna be when you grow up.

I remember seeing a series once when I was once a child like this - searching subconciously for my superhero - who after enough episodes realized that I had, in fact, found my hero. This character was someone who made me want to grow up, he was the strong and care-free one. The one in the group who no longer wanted to be cooped up and stuck with the everyday norm, but instead in reality became someone, something else simply because he chose to do so.

It gave me hope into being able to do what I want with my life, it gave me hope to never be like the sheep in the herd, but rather to be the herder... perhaps not guiding others, but merely guiding myself. And sometimes in life, realising that we need to lead our own lives. So often we let society and even those special someones close to us, tell us how we should walk, talk, dress and even what we should eat. Do we do this because we are scared? Or because we lack originality? Or even because we are all programmed like they said with the clones in the movie 'The Island' with just 7 different stories, all adjusted just that little bit in order to allow us to think we lead our own lives... it's an interesting thought, and no one has proven anything wrong, so in theory it's possible.

The man in this episode that opened my eyes, would be someone important one day and then someone equally important the next day, but in a different environment completely. He reminds me of a cameleon - how close we are to that one animal and yet, I think that sometimes we don't remember or realize how well we adapt to change, to our friends, family, fashion, work, our lives. This man would more than likely end up building an emotional connection with another person in this series, and when he did he would either save them, be compassionate towards them and more importantly where he could not save them, he felt what they feel.
Other than taking charge of your life and being your own person, have you ever helped someone else in your life... perhaps by just being you... perhaps by letting your heart and emotions do the talking instead of just your mind. How easy it is to have your life and be in charge of it, but how dificult it is to be so selfless at the same time.

There are so many things happening within us, and possibly around us that allow us to experience that extra something in our lives. Faith, hope, God, spirits, ghosts, intuition... there are endless names we call these feeling and yet sometimes we just don't trust them. We need to be awakened to the world that surrounds us - the real world and not the material world where everyone else cowers.. no, we need to brace ourselves for a bigger and better ride... A ride that will ultimately guide us to be the perfect inner child, the child that is not afraid of approaching someone and telling them what they feel, a child that trusts that feeling without question no matter what we or others call it, a child that is not scared to spend time around HIV infected children or adults, a child that is not scared to break out of the box of unchange, a child that knows what it wants for him/ herself.

Perhaps its time to live your life like that child you once were, perhaps its time to start to learn a little like 'The Pretender' did.
Perhaps its time to find your root and your inner happiness... take a step.

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