Thursday, December 24, 2009

Something learned

If there is one thing...

I have learned, things are not always what they seem to be...We sometimes only see the surface of things because we don't get to see what is going on deeper... Sometimes we think that people that appear to have it all must have the most amazing lives and sometimes that is true, but sometimes that is far from being the truth ... I've always tried to look beyond appearances... It's not about the house that someone lives in or the car they drive or the clothes they were...That is only camouflage... Sometimes those are things that people hide behind because of a myriad of reasons... Does someone's pocket book make them more appealing than someone that lives a more modest lifestyle?...Does someone that knows all about the latest trends or all the posh new places more interesting than someone that enjoys the simplicity of life and can appreciate nature... Sometimes we get caught up in appearances only to realize that it is only appearance, it has nothing to do with the true nature of that person...

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